Monday, February 2, 2015

During The Weekend

  • I have spent a regular weekend. On Saturday my major task was to complete the weekly grocery. I went to the Peanut Plaza. It is a Chinese grocery shop. We prefer this shop specially for fresh vegetables and fruits. They have a wide collection of vegetables and fruits. The shop is 15 mins. walking distance from my residence. 

  • They have a good collection of noodles as well. My daughter and husband love shrimp noodle soup with green vegetables. I bought fresh vegetables, mushroom, shrimp, noodles and fruits. During the evening I prepared spicy noodle soup with shrimp and mushroom for the family. Later I watched the movie "The Bible".

  • On Sunday, we thought we will go to downtown. But, due to cold weather we decided to stay at home. A friend gave us a surprise visit with his family. My daughter played with his son. We spent a good time while enjoying the meal together. Sometime it is better to stay at home, invite friends and pass free time with a mug of coffee.  

1 comment:

  1. Even though it was very cold, it seems like you had a good relaxing weekend ! Also very good use of the form, "due to..." Also, you did a great job identifying the problems and solutions from my reservations blog !
